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Friday, January 30, 2009

Leviticus chapter 4-6

God’s message to me: Covering up the sin of another is sin.

Promises: Unintentional sin can be forgiven if you confess it and ask forgiveness when you learn you did wrong.

Commands: Make atonement for unintentional sin when you learn you have sinned. Be careful not to lead others to sin and, do not help people to cover up their sin.

Timeless principles: Even Unintentional sin is sin and, when that sin becomes known to the sinner he must ask God’s forgiveness for that sin.

How can I apply what I’ve learned: Don’t make excuses for unintentional sin. Confess it and ask forgiveness immediately when you realize you have done wrong.

more to learn for in-depth study: Chapter 6 starts with “bunko” and describes various cons that would allow someone to dishonestly gain what wasn’t theirs. Frankly, the victims and most of society just call this theft but the con man often doesn’t see it as theft and looks down on thieves as if they were scum.

Rules for priests: The fire on the alter should be always burning and never be allowed to go out. A handful of each grain offering along with all the frankincense that came with it should be burned and the remainder is to feed the priest and his sons in the tabernacle. The grain offering for the priest must be baked into an unleavened cake and burned on the alter. The sin offering is eaten by the priest and his sons in the tabernacle unless the blood was brought into the tabernacle for atonement in which case it should be completely burned. The pot for boiling meat should be broken afterward and if it is metal it should be thoroughly scoured out and rinsed.

tomorrows assignment: Leviticus chapter 7-9

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