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The first time I did this it took me over 18 months. The last time it took just over 2 months. This time I'm pacing myself to 1 year so others can follow along. Join the quest

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Genesis Chapters 9-12

God's message to me: God does not forget His own, even when He is angry.

Promises: Animals fear man naturally, not the other way around. Vegetable or animal it is there for food for man. The Rainbow is God's sign that the rain will not become a worldwide killer flood.

Commands: Be fruitful and multiply is God's most basic command and repeated several times in the bible. Twice in this passage. Population control is not our job and overpopulation is not our problem. Never eat blood-there is a reason the idea of doing it grosses most of us out. If man shed's man's blood by man shall his blood be spilled. Capital punishment was one of God's earliest commands and one of the earliest punishments mentioned in the bible going back to Cain, who was spared from it by God's mercy.

Timeless principles: God's wrath never outweighs His love and justice. Even finding only one man on earth who still followed his law, He spared the life of that man and his family.

How can I apply what I've learned: Wait for God's timing but don't hesitate when He says it's time. Noah was 500 years old when he started building the ark and he and his sons spent nearly 100 years doing it before the flood came. Even when he could tell that the flood was gone and much of the land was dry he did not leave the ark until God said to.

More to learn for in depth study: There is to much to cover simply and, frankly, I'm still breaking it down. I'll cover it in a second entry later today. This passage covers a lot of ancestry explaining the origins of many ancient cultures. Some, like the Assyrians, you may have studied in high school. Most of them play roles in the later history of the old testament and knowing their origins can help you understand the reason for some things then and even now. The middle east is the focus of end times prophecy and the cultures involved have been established since the flood. Babylon was built and ruled by Nimrod and the nations founded in this passage still exist throughout the region.


  1. This is a very interesting study. Something that amazes me is how old these people lived. I am wondering if their years were more like our months.. like every new moon might be a year... I've never seen any evidence of people living to be hundreds of years old in archeological finds of 5,000 year old bones.

    Carl, do you have an idea about how a person lived to be 800 plus years old? Do you think years were different than our years now?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. The original was to long winded.
    Scientist have determined a number of different conditions before the flood. Thicker atmosphere resulted in higher O2 intake. Interlaced hydrogen molecules resulted in low wave radio transmissions capable of enhancing healing in small doses. Rain didn't exist. overall the environment was ideal for life.
    Studying astronauts in the space station has revealed the effect. The body was designed to live for 1000 years. Space capsules have an idealized atmosphere inside and the result of long term exposure has been anti-aging and increased health. The study of healing therapies including radio waves has show it's ability to improve healing and study of the atmospheric conditions pre-flood shows those waves would have been around for about an hour (give or take) every sunrise and sunset. It also explains comments about the stars "singing" in some Old Testament and Talmudic records.
    This change in O2 intake would also explain the extinction of most dinosaurs, their respiratory system was designed for greater atmosphere.
