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We are following a plan to read through the bible in one year. you don't have to worry if you fall behind or if you are starting late. Start at the beginning or, if you already started, pick up where you left off and follow along.
People just starting this goal often get bogged down in details, go slow, and eventually quit because it's to hard to reach the end. Remember that it doesn't have to be in one year. When you fall behind just keep going. As you get used to reading you will find yourself going faster and farther and may even catch up.
The first time I did this it took me over 18 months. The last time it took just over 2 months. This time I'm pacing myself to 1 year so others can follow along. Join the quest

Monday, March 23, 2009

the other resolution

OK, 232.6# is not exactly an improvement but, I have been much more consistent on the exercise. In addition, my wife is more committed to loosing weight as her friends are making similar commitments. As much as we both try not to let each others habits effect our own, it is easier to stay on track when both people are trying. Particularly since, we both try to be nice and share when we make something good, even if it isn’t particularly good for us. The next trick will be to stop eating Ice Cream during the Biggest Loser. Even though it’s a once a week thing it’s still, pretty much, defeating the purpose of the show.

I’m still not so good on the water intake but I am improving. Bottled water and low income equals less water. Since the stuff from our tap isn’t very good, the best bet would be to spend a little extra cash on a filter and spend less on bottled in the future. We say that all the time but it never seems to happen.

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