Are you a new reader on this blog?

We are following a plan to read through the bible in one year. you don't have to worry if you fall behind or if you are starting late. Start at the beginning or, if you already started, pick up where you left off and follow along.
People just starting this goal often get bogged down in details, go slow, and eventually quit because it's to hard to reach the end. Remember that it doesn't have to be in one year. When you fall behind just keep going. As you get used to reading you will find yourself going faster and farther and may even catch up.
The first time I did this it took me over 18 months. The last time it took just over 2 months. This time I'm pacing myself to 1 year so others can follow along. Join the quest

Monday, January 12, 2009

New years Resolutions

I started this blog as a New Year Resolution. I've been through the bible several times in the past and done it in under 11 weeks. This time I am pacing it so that others have a pattern to follow in their resolution. I wanted a place where people could follow a simple plan and study together. I hope that it will lead to our gaining insight from each other.

Another popular and useful resolution is weight loss. Diabetes's is all to common in my wife's family and carrying extra weight isn't helping me deal with my back injury so we have decided to drop the extra pounds together.

I don't want to distract from the bible study but, taking care of our bodies as the temple of God is important so, I hope my updates will encourage others. We are using the Weight Watchers point system. I don't know my wife's goal but mine is to get down to 200 pounds which is a pretty healthy weight for me. The fact is I have already lost about 10 pounds but I started back around Thanksgiving. Holidays are a rough time to lose.

My wife keeps asking what I lost and I haven't told her so let's see how long it takes her to notice these posts. My current weight is 239.8 pounds. for the next couple weeks I'm making things easy on myself. 2 Slimfast type shakes(I like the Wal*Mart equate shakes better for taste) at 4 points a piece, a yogurt averaging 3 points, string cheese for 2 points and "free" veggies. Some vegetable don't have a point value as snacks. Favorites are green bell peppers and carrots. Celery and tomatoes and Lettuce and other salad fixings are also free but the peppers and carrots cut into sticks like fries are an easy and tasty snack. That takes 13 of my 28 points leaving 15 for a big dinner or, a reasonable dinner and snacks with points, like popcorn which I love with a movie.

I'll post on Mondays with my weigh-in because Sundays are when I end up at family dinners or fellowship meals at the church. Saving the flex points to deal with these weekend splurges keeps me on track and I start over on flex points Monday morning. The best part about staying on track is that you don't feel like overdoing it at social functions because your just not used to over eating.

If your on track to lose some pounds I'd love to hear your plans. Maybe the things that work for us will encourage those who aren't doing as well. You might be giving others good Ideas, offering new, light recipes, or just telling us about your success but, any comments could be encouraging.

See you soon,


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