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People just starting this goal often get bogged down in details, go slow, and eventually quit because it's to hard to reach the end. Remember that it doesn't have to be in one year. When you fall behind just keep going. As you get used to reading you will find yourself going faster and farther and may even catch up.
The first time I did this it took me over 18 months. The last time it took just over 2 months. This time I'm pacing myself to 1 year so others can follow along. Join the quest

Thursday, April 30, 2009

First Chronicles 10-12

God’s message to me: It is important to understand the times. Past, present and future come together to form a picture we can use to understand our place in the world and God’s will for us. We are not of this world but we are in it and we are expected to effect it for the better. We cannot hope to do that unless we understand and act on the times.

1) Stand up for what God’s word tells us.
2) Stand up for the principles that protect our rights to worship and to teach the truth.
3) Stand up for God’s chosen people Israel.
4) Stand against those who label sin as personal choice.
5) Stand against those who demand we accept their “personal choice”.
6) Stand against those who redefine Christianity and Godliness as accepting everyone regardless of evil.
7) Stand up for the truth of the Gospel.

In the past few years I have heard leaders tell us that religion is the source of evil, that man is the source of law, that government is the source of wisdom, that Israel is a racist and evil state, that the US Constitution is an impediment to government and that the government can ignore the rights of the people when it is in the governments best interest(that last one is a supreme court decision regarding campaign finance reform). I see the present. I understand the past and how the progressives led us into the evils of Eugenics and Socialism while pulling us away from God. I see the future in the pages of scripture and know that Christ will return within my own life expectancy.

Promises: God’s word will tell us what is coming and what to do about it if we simply read it. While current events in the US may not be precisely predicted in scripture, the scripture can still be applied. Through it we know when what our leaders are doing is leading us in opposition to God. We can also see when the path our country is taking is right, wrong or even leading towards the end times.

Commands: Understand God’s word. When Saul was killed and David was made king there was a period of strife in the land because of those who didn’t understand or refused to acknowledge the prophecy of Samuel. Saul had disobeyed God in his first major act as king and was doomed by God to lose the kingdom. David was raised up to be Saul’s replacement. Those who knew and understood God’s will in the matter joined him immediately. Those who failed to keep up with what was going on found themselves on the wrong side of God’s will.

Timeless principles: Those who do not understand history are doomed to repeat it. The time of the Judges was a steady stream of Israelites repeating the same mistakes over and over again. The time of the kings was a steady stream of kings who followed God and kings who didn’t and history meaning nothing to most of them. Josiah learned history through the book of the law and mourned and prayed forgiveness for the sins of his fathers. Most kings served God or didn’t based on personality. Some would follow in their father’s footsteps while others did the opposite of their fathers. Few ever gave a glance at history or the idea of turning from God would scare them to death.

How can I apply what I’ve learned: Understand the times. 1 Chronicles 12:32 mentions that members of the tribe of Issachar, that understood the times, came to make David king. God commands us in many places to understand the times and to understand prophecy so that we can be prepared. Like the men of Issachar that did not come, we will no be prepared to do the right thing and avoid the wrong actions if we don’t know what is happening and what God has to say about it.

more to learn for in-depth study: Keeping up with current events, understanding politics, knowing prophecy and learning history are all things people tend to avoid. Without and understanding of history you cannot hope to understand the present or to know the future. (those who don’t learn history are doomed to repeat it) Without understanding current events you will find the world passes you by. Without understanding politics you will find others control your life and you don’t even know why. Without understanding prophecy you will not know how the other 3 subjects apply to God’s plan and how you should react to what is happening and what is coming.

tomorrow: First Chronicles 13-16

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

First Chronicles 7-9

God’s message to me: God has a purpose, plan and place for me. While the genealogies may seem pointless and refer to people we don’t even know, they show the plan that brought great things. While the you may need to check center column references you will see many names you have heard before. Some people were known by other names and, translation sometimes resulted in different spellings over time but, the references can show you the name you are familiar with. You’ll see the line of king Saul, the line of the priests. The line of later kings and other lines to important figures, even prophets.

Promises: God planned things long before we got here. You can see through these genealogies the path that brought high priests and kings into power and provided a place for the prophets. You can see how that plan was developed over generations and began to take shape decades or even centuries before the major players were born.

Commands: Another command for Israel. Take a census every ten years. The US Constitution provides for a census every 10 years based on that command. For us it is a simple count of the population to establish political districts. In Israel it was an exercise in Genealogy. Keep in mind that these were not separate family trees. These are all part of the same family tree going back to Jacob (Israel) for the family of Israel and beyond to Abraham, Isaac, Ishmael, Esau and others because they are cousins to the brothers of Israel. The relationship of Israel towards Edom and the Ishmaelite was determined by their familial relationship. God commanded Israel not to harass them because they were brothers. Edom and the Ishmaelite weren’t quite as good about recognizing that reason for peace which led to conflict and eventual destruction for them as we will see.

Timeless principles: No matter how much we try to stand out as individuals, our heritage will always be a factor in our lives. Whether we are descended from royalty or rug makers, Whether our families were rich or coal miners, we are a product of our background. Family ties are generally the strongest and determine how we interact with others. Even if we don’t like our family we are stuck with them and the influence us.

How can I apply what I’ve learned: The genealogies become more interesting as we realize how they effected who was king and how different kings were influenced by family loyalties. We’ve seen the line of kings in Israel (Samaria) and Judah (Jerusalem), these genealogies make it easier to understand the family ties that caused people to chose different kings.

more to learn for in-depth study: As the genealogies bring us up to date on where the major players came from we approach the details of stories we already heard. King Saul is the first person we see in the next section and we will flesh out details for a great many more.

tomorrow: First Chronicles 10-12

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

First Chronicles 4-6

God’s message to me: God has set aside an inheritance for me. All I have to do is ask for it.

Promises: Ask and it will be given to you. “Jabez was more honorable than his brothers, and his mother called his name Jabez (meaning He will cause pain) saying, “Because I bore him in pain.” And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, “Oh, that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from Evil, that I may not cause pain!” So God granted him what he requested.

Commands: The commands were given to the Israelites. They were to provide cities for the Levites and cities of refuge for the man slayer. Those cities and how they were dispersed are described here.

Timeless principles: God has plans to prosper you not to harm you. The Promised land for the Israelites, it’s individual territories for each tribe, it’s cities for each family, the cities of the Levites throughout the land and the cities of refuge to ensure justice would be measured with mercy when appropriate.

How can I apply what I’ve learned: Ask God for what I want and don’t be afraid to claim it when He gives it to me.

more to learn for in-depth study: here is a passage that launched a movement, not to mention a best selling book and a string of merchandise. The Prayer of Jabez. 1 Chronicles 4:9-10.

tomorrow: First Chronicles 7-9

finally caught up. Now to get ahead so that you will have a new blog each day even when I am busy prepping music for the Revival.

the other resolution

I haven’t been on a scale in a couple of days but I was about the same weight as last week. Considering all that will be going on for the next week I can’t even think about dieting. On the other hand, as long as I remember to eat, I tend to do pretty well at controlling intake in the summer while I’m working so that I lose weight.

First Chronicles 1-3

God’s message to me: History is important to God. Whether it’s the descendants of Esau, the history of the US Civil war or the rise of the European nations it is important to know how things came about. If you don’t understand the past you can’t understand the present and you have no hope of seeing the future. The relationships of family members can translate to the relationship of nations and national interests can effect personal relationships. By understanding what came before you can realize where others went wrong and find the way to avoid their mistakes. Learning by example is what the bible is all about so it is wise to try and understand other histories as well.

Promises: God fulfills his promises no matter who He makes them to. Ishmael and Esau both were promised they would be the father of nations and the family trees given here show the nations they founded. The relationship of family members can be seen in the relationship of nations later as their descendants become nations that become neighbors, allies and even opponents. It’s also important to understand the fall of nations later. Often, the fate of nations in the bible is the result of their founders actions.

Commands: Be ready with a reason for your faith. God doesn’t call us to blind faith. He has given ample proof, evidence and historical records to back our faith and give reason for the way we believe. While this may be dry reading it establishes a history which we can point to and prove to support our beliefs. the next time someone tells you it isn’t proof and isn’t historically accurate point them to Simon Greenleaf. Dr Greenleaf was an atheist who put the bible to the test of evidence acceptable in court and found the bible to be proof beyond a reasonable doubt. Since then any number of other skeptics and unbelievers have tried to do the same and, like Greenleaf, they became evangelists. They also found ample historical and Archaeological evidence so that there is now more evidence supporting biblical history than there is for any other historical document in existence.

Timeless principles: Genealogy has been in practice for as long as man has been on the earth. The descendants of Adam and how they effected the earth before the flood are recorded. The descendants of Noah and how they became the nations of the world are recorded. The descendants of Abraham are described and explain the layout of the nation of Israel as you realize where the cities and regions got their names and how the families of the nation interacted. The genealogy of the kings is a habit that has been carried on throughout history and become the foundation of recorded history.

How can I apply what I’ve learned: I honestly don’t know yet. I hope I’ll have a better answer by the time I’m done with the genealogies that will be most of the study for the next couple of days.

more to learn for in-depth study: for those comparing timelines, this section should give you a lot of writing time.

tomorrow: First Chronicles 4-6

Second Kings 23-25

God’s message to me: your heritage means nothing. many good and God fearing kings had sons who were pure evil and Evil kings had sons who turned good. Hezekiah served God more thoroughly than any king since David and destroyed all false worship in Judah. His son rebuilt those high places and idols, He sacrificed his sons to false gods, he killed and destroyed in the name of false gods, he practiced witchcraft and consulted mediums. He was pure evil. His son Amon did the same. His grandson Josiah became king at age 8 and turned Israel back to god destroying idolatry and bringing back the law of God and begging God’s forgiveness for the sins of his father and grandfather and others. Josiah’s son went right back to all the evil of his grandfather and great-grandfather. His rule only lasted 3 months. Pharaoh made his brother king and he did all the same evils. When his brother was captured by Babylon, the king of Babylon made his uncle king and he continued the evil of his predecessors.

Promises: It’s hard to miss fulfilled prophecy. Hezekiah was warned that he showed Babylon all their treasures and now we can see where Babylon comes and takes those treasures.

Commands: Serve the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your mind and with all your soul.

Timeless principles: God fulfills his promises. Because he humbled himself before God and asked forgiveness for past sins, God withheld judgment during the time of king Josiah. The evil of Manaseh and Amon had caused God to promise judgment that would make it clear He didn’t tolerate disobedience and turning from God. The judgment would be terrible enough to make the ears tingle of those who heard it.

How can I apply what I’ve learned: God is just. I cannot expect to live like the devil then receive a full pardon and entry to heaven. God has always preserved a remnant who do not turn from His name and they have been made secure despite the troubles that come because of the evil of others. Noah, Abraham, the remnant of Benjamin, the survivors taken captive by Assyria and Babylon. He preserves this remnant and allows them to rebuild in His name that no one can ever say they over came Him.

more to learn for in-depth study: Josiah was zealous for God as no king before or after him. He destroyed all signs of Idolatry in Judah and in the cities of Samaria, some of which dated back to the time of Solomon. He eliminated the mediums, witches and perverted people who served false Gods with acts of evil. He read the law to all of his kingdom and swore to uphold it.

The king of Egypt at this time is Necho. Judah is captured by Babylon in the 8th year of king Nebuchednezer. The king of Babylon appointed Mattania as king and renamed him Zedikiah.

Chronicles is just that. History. It will involve a lot of lineages(begats) and reference material that some may wish to make notes on and use to clarify the timelines they already have. Some of it can be dry reading and boring but, it is important. Not only is every word of scripture meaningful, this section will help to clarify history and prophecy by laying out the details of events.

tomorrow: First Chronicles 1-3

Second Kings 20-22

God’s message to me: Be careful of the company you keep. As if it wasn’t bad enough that former kings of Judah spent so much time with the kings of Israel that their children led Judah in the same evil idolatry, Hezekiah welcomed the emissaries of Babylon and gave them the grand tour of every treasure in Israel. As Isaiah pointed out to him, he had shown the thieves where the valuables were kept. It was only a matter of time before they would come to claim those treasures as their prize.

Promises: Ours is a forgiving God who will protect those who honestly recognize their sin and ask forgiveness from God.

Commands: God loves you and wants to be with you but, He cannot be with you unless you recognize your sin and ask his forgiveness.

Timeless principles: The most important thing you can learn is not how you have sinned but how you react to learning of it. When Josiah learned the law of Israel he went into mourning for their sin and begged God to show him what to do about the law he had discovered. Because he humbled himself and mourned for past sin, God promised him security in his time and that the punishment for those past sins would not happen in his lifetime.

How can I apply what I’ve learned: I’ve already done it. I am washed in the blood of Jesus the Christ and forgiven by God for my sins. You can be too. Read this.

more to learn for in-depth study: Read John Chapter 3 and understand the path to salvation.

tomorrow: Second Kings 23-25

Second Kings 18-19

God’s message to me: God is the ultimate power and none will ever stand against Him. None will survive the attempt to prove themselves more powerful than God.

Promises: No one stands against God successfully. God will not be mocked. He will make His strength known to all who look on it with reproach. When someone challenges you and says that God will not strengthen you against them you have only to pray and place your safety in His hands. God will not let anyone challenge His strength and those who do will be defeated by that strength.

Commands: Obey God and serve Him and He will be your strength.

Timeless principles: Ego is a big part of leadership but some rulers take it to extremes. Throughout history there has been a series of leaders who claimed greater strength than God and sought to prove that nothing could stand in their way. Every one of them has run into God like running into a brick wall. Every one of them has been smashed against that wall.

How can I apply what I’ve learned: never fear anyone who claims power greater than God. God doesn’t allow such claims to find any strength. He will defeat them when they try to prove their claim.

more to learn for in-depth study: Hezekiah turned back to serving God. He broke down the high places, sacred pillars and wooden images. He destroyed false worship from the land. He even destroyed the serpent Moses made in the wilderness because some of the people had been worshiping it.

tomorrow: Second Kings 20-22

Second Kings 16-17

God’s message to me: God will give many chances to return to Him but, eventually, he will punish. It had been around 300 years since Solomon brought false worship into Israel but, most of the nation, ruled from Samaria, never turned back despite the warnings of the prophets and the minor judgments brought against them until the entire nation, except Judah, was taken captive by Assyria.

Promises: Our God is patient. I can count 12 generation between the time the Israelites began serving false God’s and the time when God sent them into captivity. Judah went back and forth with false worship but mostly chose to serve God while Israel never turned back from idolatry. The nation of Israel except Judah was taken as captives for the first time since the captivity in Egypt.

Commands: “thou shalt not have any other gods before Me”

Timeless principles: Patience waits for the appropriate time. Unending chances would be laziness and God is not lazy.

How can I apply what I’ve learned: Stand up against false worship and lead people only to worship as God has prescribed. Defy false teachings that contradict the bible and boldly teach the truth as God has given it to us.

more to learn for in-depth study: Ahaz turned to the ways of Israel. He sacrificed his child, he worshiped false gods on the high places and under the trees(nature gods). When besieged by both Israel and Syria he sent gifts to the king of Assyria and asked his help to save Jerusalem. After the Assyrians took Damascus and turned aside the armies of Israel and Syria Ahaz went to visit the Assyrian king and saw an Alter that king had for worship. He made the chief priest build one to the same specifications and it was ready when he returned home. He immediately worshiped before it and put his sacrifices on it then he had it moved into the temple of God to replace the proper alter and removed many of the items that had been there for other use. In other words, he spit in God’s face repeatedly.

Hoshea ruled at a time when the king of Egypt was named So and the king of Assyria was Shalmaneser. These give room for independent coverage from the history of other nations. Also, the Author makes it clear in 2 kings 17:23 that these books are being written during the first period of captivity in Assyria, while Judah was still free.

The Assyrians took people from their homes and put them in the cities of other nations they had captured. The did this with the cities of Israel and as the captives proceeded to worship their false gods, God sent lions among them to kill them. The king of Assyria sent a Jewish priest to teach them how to serve Jehovah but, while they feared God they continued to worship false gods.

tomorrow: Second Kings 18-19

Second Kings 12-15

God’s message to me: God will tolerate wrong for only as long as necessary. He promise Jehu that his sons would sit on the throne to the 4th generation. Jehu and each generation after him, continued to lead the people in idolatry and Jehu’s great -great-grandson(the fourth generation) held the throne 6 months be fore being killed in a coup.

Promises: God’s covenant stands through all time. His blood covenant to keep Israel forever has never been taken back. Despite the sins of the Israelites, God never allowed the oppression they suffered as punishment to destroy them. God always preserved a remnant to keep his promise.

Commands: Follow God or suffer the consequences. Continued idolatry led to the nation of Israel losing more cities and territories to neighboring Syria and Assyria. Eventually, the failure to fully remove false worship in Judah led to similar attacks against them by neighbors including Israel.

Timeless principles: It’s hard to overcome momentum. While Judah, routinely, went through purges of false religion, the “high places” remained from the time of Solomon to the time of this passage and beyond. Many of the false religions sought to gain a closer relation ship with the gods by sacrificing, burning incense and worshiping at the highest point available. Natural high points, like hills and mountains were enhanced by building mounds to reach higher, places that lacked high points would add towers to large structures. The idea went back to the tower of Babel which was meant to be the ultimate high place.

People had a tendency to adapt these places to worshiping God. Tradition told them to go to a high place in order to be close to god so they felt that the high place brought them closer to God, the Father. Of course, it also left an opening for those who continued to practice false religions as well. After so many years of doing it momentum carried them along the same path even when they were trying to do right.

Christians today are no different. A large part of the mistakes made in modern churches come from momentum and adapting “good parts” of false worship to true worship. This has led to political correctness, acceptance of things the bible calls sin, protests against practices the bible endorses, and even the idea of biblical evolution. They are wrong but, they creep in and get accepted because people do not want to stand up for the word of God. They think if they attack what is wrong and preach what is right they will offend someone and cause them to leave the church.

Here’s a basic principle. If the truth causes someone to lose faith and leave God then they never had Him in the first place. The truth can be a jarring thing. Consider how many new Christians you know that would be offended by the passages we have been reading if they heard them and believed them. This is the reason they are so eager to see the bible as allegorical and inaccurate. It allows them to dismiss the parts they find offensive. If they cannot reconcile with God over the parts they don’t like then they are not His servants. You need to begin again to teach them the truth until God can help them accept it.

How can I apply what I’ve learned: When God gives you a task do it thoroughly. Even if it is silly, symbolic or hard to understand. Jeroboam was told to strike the ground with a bundle of arrows when he was told to strike Syria and destroy them. He struck the ground 3 times and Elisha told him that he would only strike Syria 3 times and not destroy them. I can’t say I would have done differently under the circumstances but, given what I learned here, I wouldn’t stop hitting the ground until I was told to. The order came from God and so the task was from God.

more to learn for in-depth study: Here is a quick rundown of several kings. The passage just touches on some highlights from each administration with emphasis on the kings relationship to God and the results of that relationship. They say “the good die young”. I have to say that the bible shows they get long lives and long administrations while the evil ones get proportionally shorter amounts of time to cause damage. Having studied the gunfighters of the Old West the same seemed to hold true there. Without wasting to much time on details, the ones who sold their skill for a fast buck and personal gratification at the expense of the innocent never lasted 20 years. From the day of their first gunfight to their death was always under the 20 year mark and often much less. A few, who served others and made their reputations as peace officers or helped peace officers, not only lived much longer but died peacefully.

Jehoash and the high priest establish the offering box in this portion. The priests had been ordered to bring all the offerings, that the law did not specifically grant to them, to the temple to be used for construction and repair. When they didn’t do it the box was established so that all offerings brought to the temple that were not, by law, dedicated to the priests, would be collected and used to fund the repair of the neglected Temple of God.

The year count seems to get more out of sync the farther we get from David and Solomon but that was not unexpected. These accounts were pieced together after the fact from multiple sources and dates could be a bit mangles since years are measured but not months. In these circumstances, 23 months would count as 2 years but so would 14, since portions of 2 years were involved. Worse yet, if a six month period included the new year it might be marked as 2 years or compare to 2 years in the other kingdom.(king 1 rules six months king 2 rules 12 years. King 2 took the throne at the same time as king 1 and king one died in the second year that he was on the throne. You see how, after several generation, this gets the time line skewed over 2 kingdoms) This lines are repeated elsewhere with more details so, for those keeping track of the time line like I am, you will find details later to make them more accurate. The coup of Shallum over Zachariah in Israel is a perfect example. Zechariah took the throne in the 38th year of Azariah’s reign and was replaced in the 39th year of his reign but he only held the throne for 6 months.

Case Study: Meneham was a strong king whose government was quite effective in it’s goals. He executed the king and took over. Then he attacked a revolting city and brutally murdered all pregnant women. He continued to lead the Israelites in Idolatry. When the king of Assyria came to attack Israel, Meneham hired taxed the rich and gave the money to the Assyrians as a bribe so that they would work with him to force the Israelites to serve him then leave. This evil ruler held the country in an iron grip through his reign and his son’s reign until the coup that killed his son.

tomorrow: Second Kings 16-17

Monday, April 27, 2009

Second Kings 9-11

God’s message to me: God fulfills his promises in His time. The priests of Baal were slaughtered in the temple of Baal which was then demolished and made a trash dump. The line of David was preserved on the throne as Joash took the crown at the age of 7. Jezebel was turned into dog food. Jehoram’s remains were tossed in the field he had stolen when Jezebel conspired against it’s owner. All of the house of Ahab was killed. And so the story goes when God makes a promise, it is only a matter of time.

Promises: God keeps his promises, long term or short term they will be upheld.

Commands: Obey God, do not turn to false worship, false religion and false Gods. Jehoash made a good start in removing Baal worship but, by continuing to turn Israel to idolatry, he doomed his kingdom. Under his rule the kingdom of Israel was picked apart piece by piece by surrounding nations.

Timeless principles: Politicians tend to stick with the tried and true methods even if they are wrong. Jehoash started well. He killed off the royal line that had brought so much destruction to Israel. he avenged the prophets against Jezebel and the priest of Baal. He destroyed Baal worship in Israel. Then he continued the first sin of leading Israel to worship the golden calves so that they wouldn’t turn to the Temple in Judah. The desire to consolidate power can lead the best leaders to evil. No matter how solid the foundation it can be torn down by the quest for power. Think of that when you hear that the US Constitution is an impediment to good government.

How can I apply what I’ve learned: Stay true to God and don’t be turned by false religion. So many weak Christians are turned to a politically correct but false religiosity because they cannot fathom the truth of passages like the one we just read. Remember that one of the most common images given by God is the trial by fire. When everything seems to be going wrong God sometimes finds destruction the only path to salvation. That which is of value can only be purified by fire. When everything else is burned away, God’s chosen remnant can shine most brightly.

more to learn for in-depth study: Promises are obvious, commands should be obvious. This section is about a great slaughter. As horrifying as some of these images may be they ended in the removal of Baal worship, the end of the evil queen Jezebel and the destruction of those who turned Israel to destruction.

Are you a fan of fantasy books. JRR Tolkien and CS Lewis took their inspiration straight from the pages of the bible. The fact is, to best understand this era in Israel's history, you need to read it in large portions just like you would the Chronicles of Narnia or the Lord of the Rings. The story covers a lot of time and pieces together over large parts of scripture. Some prophecies take more than one generation to come true but, by reading it through as we are doing you can more easily see how God delivers on his promises and his curses.

tomorrow: Second Kings 12-15

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Second Kings 7-8

God’s message to me: Be careful who you associate yourself with. Even if you are strong enough to continue doing what is right your example and the influence of bad people on your associates and family could be detrimental. Jehoshaphat was a good king following God but his son married Ahab’s daughter and his son and grandson both followed Ahab’s ways when they were king.

Promises: Our God is a God of the Impossible. The waste and garbage was fetching premium prices and the Israelites had resorted to cannibalism in the city of Samaria. Famine in the land coupled with a siege they had no power to break made the people hopeless. The king had ordered the execution of Elisha but Elisha predicted fine foods would be selling for bargain basement prices within 24 hours. The guard sent to get him didn’t believe such a thing could happen unless the gates of heaven opened and food rained from the sky.

That night God sent the sound of chariots and marching into the enemy camp so that they believed Israel had hired mercenaries against them. They Syrians ran away leaving all they had brought in an intact camp. The animals, the food, the weapons, clothes and supplies were left to the Israelites and the sudden influx of so much caused the price of food to drop to prices normally unheard of in times of plenty.

Commands: Do not forsake God and do not serve false Gods. Jehoshaphat had been an obedient servant of God but made himself to close to Ahab. His son married Ahab’s daughter and, when he became king, he followed Ahab’s sinful ways so that he only reigned 8 years. It was in this time that Edom and Libnah revolted against Judah’s authority.

His son was just as bad and ruled only one year. Wounded in battle while fighting alongside the Samarians, he went to Jezreel to recover.

Timeless principles: God does not seek the suffering of His servants. Like the warnings given to others in the past God sent word through Elisha that there would be famine in the land. Elisha gave the message to the woman whose son had been raised from the dead so that she could escape the famine and live elsewhere for those seven years. You will remember that Joseph was set up to protect his family and all of Egypt from a famine and that others had also been told to go to safe places when famine was coming.

How can I apply what I’ve learned: Be careful of my associations and how they influence those around me.

more to learn for in-depth study: We are developing a bit of a time line here. Ahaziah reigned until about 105 years after Solomon. Solomon and David each ruled 40 years and Solomon began work on the temple around 3148 years after creation. That means Ahaziah would have ended his reign around 3191 to 3193 years after creation. The times of the kings are slightly less precise with information we have now because we haven’t seen a specific point in Solomon’s reign that he began work on the temple. We just know it happened early. In any case we can get a rough idea of the times of each rule by comparing the time in office and the point at which the person took the throne compared to the other kingdom. It’s roughly accurate and will become more accurate as further books will give more precision to the times.

tomorrow: Second Kings 9-11

Weekly Assignment

Monday: First Chronicles 1-3
Tuesday: First Chronicles 4-6
Wednesday: First Chronicles 7-9
Thursday: First Chronicles 10-12
Friday: First Chronicles 13-16
Saturday: First Chronicles 17-20
Sunday: First Chronicles 21-23

I am a week behind. These assignments are were we should be in the study but I am still working on last weeks assignments. I hoped to finish them yesterday but, it's taking longer. I will be caught up and ahead by the time the revival starts on Wednesday but I am not sure how long it will take to get there.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Second Kings 4-6

God’s message to me: How big is your faith? How many pots, jars, and other vessels would you gather if the man of God said you could fill them all from one small vessel of oil? Would you run to the prophet believing he could raise your son from the dead? Could you trust a small amount of food to feed a multitude of people?

Promises: Ours is a God of the impossible. He can make food multiply, He can raise the dead and heal the terminally ill. He can make Iron float on water. He can provide warning and information better than any spy.

Commands: Trust in the Lord and He will provide all your needs.

Timeless principles: When hard times come it is God’s people who get the blame. Whether it is the Jews or the Christians they are blamed for calamity. With famine in the land and the capital under siege the king of Israel called for Elisha to be killed. When hard times came to Germany Hitler blamed the Jews. When terrorists smashed planes into the twin towers Christians were blamed and faith was relabeled as hate.

How can I apply what I’ve learned: When everything is going wrong and you seem to have no way out, trust God to give you safe passage.

more to learn for in-depth study: The Jordan river was not the cleanest water source around. In fact, at that time it was a bit of a cesspool. Taking a bath in that filth would be dubious for a healthy man but, because the man of God had told him that God would heal him if he did so, Namaan, washed in that mucky river 7 times.

tomorrow: Second Kings 7-8

Second Kings 1-3

God’s message to me: We Christians really don’t know the power we can wield. God has promised us the ability to do all we read about in the bible and more. Despite that fact we continue to assume the days of miracles are over. With faith the size of a mustard seed we can move a mountain. We can heal and cast out demons. We can survive attack and withstand poison as long as God wills us to. We have no reason to fear embarrassment. If we can agree together before God and ask things in the name of His Son they will be granted that our joy may be full and that His power will be known.

Promises: God is not mocked. When the king demanded Elijah to come God revealed His power by burning the soldiers where they stood when Elijah asked Him too. He did it to prove He was God and Elijah was His man. He parted the waters for Elijah and again for Elisha to show Elisha he was indeed empowered as his predecessor. He also fulfilled the curse of Elisha on the boys who mocked him.

Commands: Do what God commands, no matter how useless it may seem, and He will provide far more than you could imagine to fulfill your needs and desires.

Timeless principles: God will often use the same thing that brings success to His people to bring disaster on their enemies. The king of Judah, who served God, went with the kings of Samaria(Israel) and Edom(the children of Esau) to battle the Moabites. Lacking water they sought the council of Elisha.

Because of Jehoshaphat, who served the Lord, Elisha inquired of the Lord and instructed them to dig ditches in the valley where they were camped. God filled the ditches with water so that the army and it’s animals could drink, he caused the water to look like blood to the Moabites so that they thought the three kings fought amongst each other and dashed in for an easy victory, only to find 3 armies, rested, fed and watered, ready to overcome them.

How can I apply what I’ve learned: Trust God and don’t worry about the means. When God told the kings to dig ditches He also told them those ditches would be filled with water miraculously. The water wouldn’t come from rain or runoff or a stream or any other visible source. God would fill them. God did fill them and He can fulfill your needs just as miraculously.

more to learn for in-depth study: Baal Zebub, which is where we get the name Beelzebub, means Lord of the flies and was one of several false gods known as Baal.

tomorrow: Second Kings 4-6

First Kings 22

God’s message to me: You cannot hide from God. Ahab knew that the enemy would seek to target the king so he disguised himself as a soldier and left Jehoshaphat to ride in the full splendor of the king of Judah. The Syrians went straight for Jehoshaphat but recognized, when they got close, that he was not the king they were targeting. Meanwhile, a random shot by a Syrian archer put an arrow in Ahab’s back. Propped up in his chariot, Ahab slowly bled to death over the course of the day. The prophecy was fulfilled when his chariot was washed out. The dogs licked up his blood.

Promises: God fulfills His promises and justice is served. Ahab humbled himself before God and God let the judgment for his sin fall after his death. This did not change the fact that his family was wiped out. It didn’t change his untimely demise and it didn’t change the curse that his remains would feed the dogs. His son took the throne and did all Ahab had done and worse. Ahab’s son Ahaziah only ruled two years because of his sin and the sin of his family and the families leading the nation into sin against God and worship of false gods.

Commands: This should be obvious by now. ‘I am the Lord thy God and Thou shalt have no other god’s before Me’

Timeless principles: Good advice is nothing but an annoyance to those unwilling to hear it. Ahab wanted to attack the Syrians. He had hundreds of the best prophets money could buy telling him God would be with him in the war. He didn’t want advice from a God fearing prophet because he knew it wouldn’t agree. When the prophet agreed with him he demanded to know if it was a lie. When the prophet confirmed the advice of the other prophets was a lie and that this war would lead to Ahab’s death, Ahab had him locked up and went to war anyway. Ahab died on the battlefield that day. Truth wins even if you don’t like it.

How can I apply what I’ve learned: Worship God and do not be led to false worship of false god’s. (the loving god that would never judge people for their lifestyles and wouldn’t send someone to hell for petty sins like lying, is a false god you must not worship.)

more to learn for in-depth study: The chronicles of the kings of Israel and Judah are historical references, not scripture. While they are referred to in this text, they are not necessary to understand what God wants us to learn. For those who are curious I would suggest contacting a messianic Jewish organization such as Zola Levitt Ministries.

tomorrow: Second Kings 1-3

First Kings 19-21

God’s message to me: Major events can get a lot of attention but that doesn’t make them signs from God. God can make Himself known in the wind, the earthquake, the fire, the flood or even in a still, small voice. It is important to see that, while God was known mostly by major events in the Old Testament, He was known more in simple words in the New Testament. We have all heard of the miracles of Christ but, the New Testament tells much more of His message and of the words He spoke to show people the way to eternal life.

God is still available for the big miracles today, but when we need to know His will we are most likely to hear it when we learn to “be still and know that [He] is God.” It is only then when we are quiet enough to hear and learn from that “still, small voice”

Promises: There is always a remnant. Israel never failed to find trouble and usually in a very short time period after getting out of trouble. No matter how much evil they did and how thoroughly they were marked for destruction, God has always preserved a remnant for Himself. Since the Day of His promise to Abraham, he has never let Israel be destroyed. Not one tribe has been reduced so far that it could not be maintained. A remnant of those loyal to God has always been kept to ensure the continuation of His people.

Commands: When God gives a command it had better be followed. Ahab repeated Saul’s mistake by sparing a king who had been marked for destruction.

Timeless principles: Regardless of how we are seeking to do God’s will, fear is something we will experience. Fear is the basic response that causes us to quickly take action which removes us from danger. In this way it is a reasonable response given by God to protect us. When we allow it to control our lives and actions and to prevent us from doing right it falls into the real of problem. God has not given us a spirit of fear but of peace. Once the immediate crises is reacted to we must set aside fear and develop a reasonable plan of action.

How can I apply what I’ve learned: Remember not to let fear rule your life. It isn’t wrong to protect yourself but, you can’t let fear prevent you from doing what God wants you to do. Praise God for the young lady who represented California in the Miss USA contest. She battled with her desire to win and allowed faith in God to override fear of loosing. She answered the truth in faith and represented not only God but the vast majority of people in her state. The politically correct judge sought to destroy her for her speech and to punish her for her thoughts and her faith. God has lifted her in the eyes of His people to stand as a shining example of faith.

more to learn for in-depth study: Elijah was sent to anoint 3 people to do God’s work. Hazael would be king of Syria, Nimshi would be king of Israel, and Elisha would become prophet in Elijah’s place. These three would become the tools of judgment against Israel for it’s idolatry.

This passage hints at the evil of Jezebel. She led the nation in worshiping Baal and in all the evil that went with that religion. She was treacherous, a schemer, a murderess, in short, “a Jezebel”. There is a reason that name has become a curse and an insult in our society and there is a reason people don’t name their daughter’s Jezebel. Unfortunately, far to few people remember that reason in a world that claims to love their faith but never reads their bibles. When preachers refuse to teach condemnation no one can learn the need for salvation. Jezebel is a case study in condemnation. That’s probably why no one really learns about her anymore.

On the upside, she will get her “come-uppins” in the end.

tomorrow: First Kings 22

Weekly Assignment

Monday: Second Kings 7-8
Tuesday: Second Kings 9-11
Wednesday: Second Kings 12-15
Thursday: Second Kings 16-17
Friday: Second Kings 18-19
Saturday: Second Kings 20-22
Sunday: Second Kings 23-25

Well, There is no excuse. I just allowed everyday chores to get in the way instead of making this blog my priority. You have my deep apologies. You will also have my entries for the week by the end of the day. I will also be working on posts for next week early. My church is hosting a revival next week so I will be to busy to keep things timely. Instead I will get the posts done before events get in the way so I can cut and paste them to this blog each morning and stay on schedule for you.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

First Kings 17-18

this site is going down early tomorrow morning for maintenance and the next post may be late depending on how long it remains down. If things go as usual you shouldn't notice the interruption unless you try to get on between 2 and 5 am.

God’s message to me
: “I will provide.” That’s what God says to me. Through every problem in my life and through every time of “famine” God has provided. There have been times of plenty. As a long haul trucker I made plenty of money and had no worries. I have also had times like this when I couldn’t get work, couldn’t make ends meet and God had to provide. As a child and as an adult, even in the leanest of times, I have never gone without a roof over my head and food on the table. It wasn’t always what I wanted but it was sufficient for my needs. God is capable of prospering us greatly or of simply providing our needs. He does these things to let us know He is God.

In my time of plenty I often forgot Him, skipping church for months or even years, being a workaholic, being a bad example and so on. In my times of little God has reminded me He provides all so that when the plenty returned I remembered Him and when the little returned I trusted Him.

Promises: God can provide all our needs and “possible” has nothing to do it. When the common way of doing things is not available God can use the uncommon and even the supernatural to provide.

Commands: Do not tolerate false Gods or false teachers. The Lord will provide the proof of His truth and existence. Just as he did for Elijah He can and will do the impossible to prove himself. Burning the offering on wood and alter socked with water and an offering soaked in water with a pool of water all around was nothing for the God who can let an entire town be leveled by a tornado and leave the church untouched in the middle. You’ve seen those photo’s and you understand what I’m saying. Those who can see His miracles and still deny Him have made their choice. The rest of us can learn and turn to Him.

It was predicted that the prophets of Baal and Asherah would be sacrificed and in this story we see them all killed after their god was proven false and Jehovah proven true. Note that God didn’t ask for blind faith but provided ample evidence before asking for action.

Timeless principles: not every little disaster is a curse from God. The widow’s son became very ill and died. She saw this as judgment for her sins. God used it as an opportunity to show His unlimited power. God raised the child from the dead showing he could do much more than simply meet their needs.

How can I apply what I’ve learned: Trust God for our needs no matter how great or small. From providing the next meal to raising the dead, God has provided examples to show He is capable of all that we need.

more to learn for in-depth study: Here is an exception to the rule. Elijah is a hero of the bible who did not live the life of Donald Trump. After predicting drought and famine for the king of Israel He lived in hiding near a small stream where ravens brought him food and he drank from the stream. When the stream dried up he lived with a widow and her son. They had a little flour and a little oil and the Lord made sure it never ran out but they did not go without. they weren’t prospering. The four and oil weren’t multiplying so that they had extra and could give it or sell it. It was never used up and it was sufficient for their needs.

tomorrow: First Kings 19-21

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

First Kings 14-16

God’s message to me: Prophecies are fulfilled literally even if it takes a long time. It was over 650 years after Joshua made the prophecy about Jericho that someone tried to rebuild the city and the prophecy was fulfilled exactly as it had been given.

Promises: God keeps his promises. He promised David that his family would keep the throne and they did because he had followed God throughout his life. Due to the sins of these ruler some had exceptionally short careers as king but the family did continue to rule. King Asa was one who had a long career. Because he walked in the ways of the Lord and even removed his Grandmother from being queen mother because of her Idolatry, God allowed him to rule 41 years in Jerusalem and lead his people in the ways of the Lord.

Commands: Do not turn from God and do not lead others away from Him. How many kings of Israel and Judah do you need to see destroyed for this sin before you know the consequence. Asa led the people back to God and reigned 41 years. David and Solomon ruled 40 years each so at this point Asa was setting a record for time on the throne.

Timeless principles: OK, this one should be obvious. Don’t make God angry. You won’t like Him much when He is angry at you.

How can I apply what I’ve learned: When reading prophecy, take it literally. When God speaks figuratively he always provides a literal translation or explains that the things described could not be understood in earthly terms. There are no exceptions to this rule in the bible. The Bible is filled with prophecies and over 2/3 of the are already fulfilled. Each one was fulfilled literally as it was written. Those who claim the prophecies are open to interpretation are LYING TO YOU.

more to learn for in-depth study: The books of the chronicles of the kings of Israel and the chronicles of the kings of Judah are more books that are not found in the bible. The books of first and second Chronicles cover a lot of that history as well but the history books referred to here are just that, history books. They aren’t scripture so they aren’t found in the bible.

Jeroboam reigned 22 years. Because he led Israel into worshiping idols and false gods, god promised to remove his family like trash and send the Israelites out of the land. God had given him most of Israel to rule because of Solomon’s idolatry and he didn’t learn from the previous king’s mistake. As predicted, his son Nadab was murdered by Baasha and Baasha took over the throne of Israel. Then he killed everyone in the house of Jeroboam.

God also promised that all these things would only be for a time. Other prophecies found elsewhere in the bible predict the reuniting of Israel, the birth and ruler ship of Jesus from the house of David, and the perpetual kingdom of Israel which will never be removed.

Jeroboam’s son Nadab took the throne after him. In the meantime Rehoboam is doing an equally bad job of leading Judah by setting up worship of false Gods. He rules only 17 years and is replaced by his son Abijam who reigned only 3 years and was replaced by his son Asa.

Baasha would only last 24 years and continue the sins of the house of Jeroboam. God made the same promise of destruction to him and after he died his son Elah took over and was murdered and replaced 2 years later by the commander of his Chariots, Zimri. Zimri then killed off all his family and friends.

The army wasn’t to happy with Zimri killing the king so they appointe Omri king and began another civil war within a civil war. Israel and Judah had been at war since Solomon’s death and now Israel was fighting amongst itself as well. The fight began only a week after Zimri took over and he burned the kings house down with himself in it when he lost the fight. Half the people wanted to make Tibni king and the other half were following Omri. Omri prevailed and Tibni died so that Omri became king of Israel. Omri built the city of Samaria and was followed by his son Ahab who ruled from that city and each was worse than the previous in continuing to provoke God.

Ahab married Jezebel the daughter of the king of Sidonia. He worshiped Baal and Ashorah. In his time the prophecy spoken through Joshua was fulfilled when Hiel of Bethel built Jericho laying its foundations with the life of his first born and setting up it’s gates with the life of his youngest.

tomorrow: First Kings 17-18

Monday, April 13, 2009

the other resolution

It’s amazing the damage you can do in a day. Easter Sunday involved donuts, ham, sweet potatoes, corn, cake, cookies, candy, and so on. I was on a good track and blew it in one day. Weighing in at 234.6#

First Kings 12-13

God’s message to me: Faith and the fear of God should always be a part of leadership. Religion should never be a matter of politics. It works one way but not the other. The goal of God is to provide protection and prosperity to His people. As such it is wise for a leader to look to God for direction and to guide his leadership based on God’s direction.

When leaders begin to set up principles and call them religion, WATCH OUT. The goal of the political leader is power and the quest for personal power is hindered by recognition of God’s power. For as long there have been governments there have been men willing to lead people down the wrong path in the guise of religious values. Always remember that truth is found in the bible not in philosophy. No matter how good something sounds or how convincing the speaker, if it disagrees with the bible it will lead to destruction.

Promises: God can make you great or destroy you and the fact that He has made you great will not stop Him from destroying you if you turn from Him and by your action lead others astray.

Commands: Turning from God is an act of evil but, intentionally turning the hearts of others from God and leading them into the sin of worshiping false gods is worse. Jeroboam turned most of Israel to false worship in order to secure political power and God promised to destroy his house for that sin. He also promised that the false priests and false prophets of those false religions would be killed on their own alter.

Timeless principles: Leaders fear what they cannot control. The Israelites served God and looked to the temple in Jerusalem as their most holy site. Jeroboam felt that they would turn against him and back to Rohoboam if they continued to go to the temple so he set up idols and strengthened worship in false gods so that the people would look to false religion outside of Jerusalem and not have a chance of their religion guiding their politics.

How can I apply what I’ve learned: Understanding the bible and what God truly intended for us is the only antidote to political correctness. Politically correct is just the current standard that politicians can convince people is right. They will use all the right words to make it seem like it is of God but they will lead you straight to hell.

Freedom of choice sounds like a good thing but amounts to murder. Euthanasia seems like a dignified act of love but amounts to patricide(killing your parents). Population control is the political effort to avoid starvation, poverty and other evils brought on by overpopulation. It also goes by the name of Eugenics, National Socialism(the Nazi Party), Holocaust, Forced abortion, extermination of the weak or “defective”. In other words, all the evils that led to the worst and darkest days of the last century. Think “ethnic cleansing.”

It sounds great when people say we should give back to the community but the community didn’t give you anything to begin with. God did. Charity is wonderful, socialism is destructive. Remember this basic principle. Any beautiful thing that God creates, Satan will try to adopt, pervert and undermine. The best lie is the one hidden in the truth. Forced charity is anything but charitable. Volunteering isn’t an act of selflessness if you don’t have a choice not to volunteer. Sharing the wealth is charity, tax and spend is theft.

more to learn for in-depth study: Rehoboam, the son of Solomon, Acted foolishly in his first big decision as king. He could have kept all of Israel united by following the advice of those his father had chosen as advisers. God intended to break up the kingdom and so Rehoboam listened to his personal friends instead.

Those who had a rough time under Solomon asked to be treated better and that would have been wise. Rehoboam was not wise and his friends even less so and he listened to the advice of his friends who said that he should be aggressive. Faced with those who wanted more fairness he promised less and all of Israel, except the tribe of Judah in which the capital lay, turned against him. When he sent out the tax collector to demand the money he expected to receive as king the people killed the tax collector. The king was left to run away and the rest of Israel appointed Jeroboam as their king.

tomorrow: First Kings 14-16

Weekly Assignment

Monday: First Kings 12-13
Tuesday: First Kings 14-16
Wednesday: First Kings 17-18
Thursday: First Kings 19-21
Friday: First Kings 22
Saturday: Second Kings 1-3
Sunday: Second Kings 4-6

First Kings 9-11

I fell behind again. Go figure

God’s message to me: It’s easy to lean on God when everything is going wrong and you feel you have no where else to turn. It’s also easy to forget where your loyalty should lie when everything is going right. When life is good and God’s blessings are overwhelming it is all the more important to remember Who provided your good life.

Promises: This portion describes all God did for Solomon. Solomon asked only for wisdom and because that is all he asked for he received wisdom greater than anyone before or since. He also received wealth and power as God had promised so that he was the richest and most powerful king in the world.

Commands: Do not turn from God. God had commanded that the Israelites not intermarry with the people of the surrounding nations and the nations that he was rejecting from the promised land because they would turn their hearts to false gods. Solomon took 700 wives and 300 concubines most of whom came from the nations they were not supposed to marry into.

To keep his wives happy he built temples and alters to the false gods they served and he worshiped those gods with them. This act against God resulted in the second half of God’s promise. The kingdom of Israel was divided after Solomon’s 40 year reign and those who David and his generals had put down were the ones who came back and took over the portion that was not under control of the house of David. For the sake of His promise to David and His promise to place his name in the temple Jerusalem and the territory it was in remained under control of David’s decedents.

Timeless principles: The greatest blessing can lead to the greatest fall. Solomon had it all, literally. He had more power, wealth and wisdom than anyone. He got to comfortable in it and turned from God who had given it to him. He sacrificed the future for the pleasures of today.

How can I apply what I’ve learned: “it’s not hurting anybody” is not an excuse. Doing the right thing is required even if the wrong thing doesn’t seem to do any harm. We answer to God in the end and He judges on whether we followed His law, not on whether others liked us, not on how successful we were and not on whether we did something that didn’t hurt anyone.

more to learn for in-depth study: The book of the acts of Solomon is yet another reference to a book that is not found in the bible. Many books of Jewish history are mentioned throughout scripture. They are not scripture but historical reference. Some can be found in the Talmud and other works of significance to the Jewish faith and might prove useful to historical interest. They should not; however, serve as a replacement to scriptures. The bible is the divinely inspired word of God and is meant to provide us with all we need to know in order to serve Him. While other books are of interest to learn of the times in which biblical events occurred they are merely historical reference and not religious guidance. The books of the Apocrypha found in the Catholic bible are such documents. The Rabbis who provided the original document later translated into our modern bibles specified that these books were not seen as or treated as scripture which is why the translators of bibles used by most of the protestant faiths did not include them. Following the tradition of separating scripture from reference they left these books out of the bible so that the bible would remain purely the word of God.

tomorrow: First Kings 12-13

Saturday, April 11, 2009

First Kings 8

God’s message to me: God’s plan is to have all the world turn to Him in love, worship, thanksgiving and to fulfill their needs. This has been His plan from the beginning. For this cause He did great works that the entire world would know Him and His Power and recognize that He is God.

Promises: God hears our prayers and responds. He is not contained so that he can dwell in a building. He is Omniscient, Omnipresent, and Omnipotent. He knows all, can do all and is everywhere at the same time. He may take actions to make his presence known in one particular place but He is everywhere, always listening and waiting for our prayer.

Commands: Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem. This is not in the text you read today but it is a clear command repeated in the bible. This is the City in which God placed His name and in which he set the throne of His Kingdom and that of Israel. Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem and understand that true peace can only come when it once again belongs completely to Israel and is the Capital of that nation. Until the Jews can enter the Temple Mount without fear of reprisal there will not be true peace in Jerusalem.

Timeless principles: Jehovah is not the God of any one people. He is King of kings, Lord of lords, Alpha and Omega, I AM, The Uncaused Cause, He is the one true God and Creator of the Universe. He placed his name in Jerusalem because it was there that He established the Throne of His Kingdom and the Seat of His Rulership over the earth. Even Solomon, at a time when few outside of Israel recognized The Lord, knew that He was the God of everything and that anyone in all the earth who turned to Him deserved His reply. Solomon knew that God had done all He had done in Israel in order that the world would know He Is Lord. He knew that all the great miracles and acts of God leading up to that day and beyond would be known, not only in the surrounding countries, as it already was, but throughout the world. That Gentiles of all nations would turn their hearts to the One True God.

How can I apply what I’ve learned: First, God is God to all people in all lands and desires that all come to him. It is true that many will never turn to Him and will be lost in their sin. This does not change that fact that God loved the world so much that He sent His only Son to die for our sins. God did this so that all who Believe in Jesus and accept His gift of Salvation can be saved and come to Jehovah as their own God.

Second, Jerusalem is the place where God placed His name. It is the place He chose to be the Capital of Israel and, when He returns, the capital of his Earthly kingdom. Jerusalem should not be divided. Jerusalem should be the capital of Israel. Jerusalem does belong to the Jews. The temple mount is the place where God put his name and it is the rightful place of the Temple of God built first by Solomon, and rebuilt several times since and will be built again. The Dome of the Rock has no place there. The Al Aqusa Mosque is in Mecca, you need only look at maps of that region, ask those who have been there or ask someone there if you visit and they can show you to and into the Al Aqusa Mosque. The Dome of the Rock is not the true Al Aqusa Mosque and no one ever tried to claim it was until Israel became a nation and they needed an excuse to try and remove God’s chosen people from the City of Jerusalem which they always knew was the Capital of the Jews and the place where God placed his name.

more to learn for in-depth study: As with the Tabernacle of Meeting the sign that the Temple of God was accepted by God was His presence. As soon as the Ark of the Covenant was placed in the Holy of Holies The cloud, which had led the Israelites through the wilderness, filled the temple and it shown with the Glory of God so that the Priests could not minister inside the temple. This had been the way that God would dwell in the Tabernacle of Meeting as the Israelites traveled to the Promised land. When He entered the Tabernacle in this way Moses could go to the door of the Tabernacle to speak with Him.

tomorrow: First Kings 9-11

Friday, April 10, 2009

First Kings 5-7

God’s message to me: Honor God. The construction and decoration of the temple show a great deal of glory and honor being given to God. It should be understood that we are dealing with the King of kings when we decide how we will honor our Lord. We, as Christians, are given the honor of being granted an Audience with the Creator and Ruler of the universe any time we desire one through prayer. All to often we take this for granted and treat it far to lightly and casually. It isn’t necessary to dress up for church every time but how would you dress if you knew the President of the United States was going to be there? It isn’t required that we clean and polish everything to perfection but how would you like your church to look if Jesus Christ were going to preach this Sunday?

Promises: God doesn’t ask for things He doesn’t provide. David obtained the treasures used to decorate the temple during his conquest of the enemies that came against him and Israel. Solomon obtained the materials from allies who gladly sold them out of friendship with both David and Solomon.

Commands: Honor God as God wishes to be honored. The design of the Tabernacle and the Temple were both divinely inspired. Remember what happened to the sons of Aaron when they offered incense outside of the boundaries of the ceremonies commanded by God. God expects nothing less and nothing more than that we fulfill his commands. Doing less is wrong. Going beyond is wrong.

The most humble mission can be used more mightily than the most beautiful cathedral but each should reflect the best we are able to give to our God.

Timeless principles: Churches are all different and some have more resources than others. Taking into account the resources available to your congregation, who’s house is nicer, yours or Gods? The people of Israel built the Tabernacle of Meeting and the Temple of God out of the best and most costly materials available. They Layered everything they could in gold and decorated with gemstones. For those things that needed more durability they used bronze which is similar in color and easily polished to great beauty. How do you honor God’s house?

How can I apply what I’ve learned: God is the King of kings and Lord of lords. It makes no sense to give Him anything but the best. Not only was the temple layered in Gold and the furnishings made from the best woods and metals, the best artisans were brought in to create the items so that they would be artistically and architecturally the best.

more to learn for in-depth study: It’s been a while since I did an in depth study of end times prophecy so I can’t remember the verse reference to back this. Egypt and Lebanon will turn to God and join with Israel against the Anti-Christ in the Tribulation. These two nations were allies of Israel under Solomon as well. Lebanon had a mostly Christian population with a large Jewish component and a minority Muslim group which was not militant prior to the nations takeover by Hezbollah and Hamas. The Muslims who took over the country were Shiite Iranians and the large Muslim contingent in Lebanon today is Iranian and not Lebanese. Since the Peace treaty with Egypt Israel has had little or no state sponsored trouble from that nation. While they are hardly swayed to side with Israel at this time, they are becoming less of a threat. It isn’t difficult to see the work of prophecy in the news.

480 years after the Israelites left Egypt, Solomon has been on the throne 4 years, it is the second month of the year and The Temple of God, sometimes called the temple of Solomon begins to be built. As we have dated things before this we can see that the Temple began to be built about 3148 years after the creation of the earth. It took 7 years to build it so that it would have been finished in about the year 3155 after creation.

I can’t find my notes and book on the Tabernacle of meeting right now but I’ll try to give you a comparison later. The temple was 90 feet long 30 feet wide and 45 feet high. The vestibule extended another 15 feet in front. It is interesting to note the details but I will only comment on 3.

The stones used to build it were finished at the quarry so that there would be no sound of hammers in the temple while it was being built. They would have to be transported carefully to ensure no damage after finishing and they would have to be carefully measured and accurately constructed in order to fit perfectly together when they arrived. The interior walls were covered in wood so that no stone was visible from inside the temple. Like the Tabernacle, furnishings were made of wood and covered in gold. While fine wood was used to make the walls and decorations they did not show within the temple. Every surface including the floors, ceilings, walls, doors and door frames were covered in gold.

When people talk about the lost treasure of Israel it has to do with this temple. The Temple itself, along with all that was in it was worth a fortune. King David made certain that there was treasure set aside for the construction of this richly appointed building. In fact there was much more than enough. Solomon, in turn, built the temple and added to the treasure so that, if something were to happen, there would be enough to rebuild it. This treasure was hidden well and portions used several times in the history of Israel then replaced, sometimes quickly and other times not for many decades. This secure treasure has been maintained throughout history and is believed to still be stored where it always has been. The Ark of the Covenant is believed to also be there.

Raiders of the Lost Ark is one of several theories on where the Ark is now but the important thing to note is that no sacrifices were continued at the Temple or the Tabernacle unless the Ark was there. The blood of the sacrifice had to go to the mercy seat on the Ark of the Covenant and so the sacrifice at the temple would not make sense without it. The end times prophecies tell us that sacrifices will have returned before the tribulation begins. This tells us we can look for the return of the Ark of the Covenant as one of the last things to occur before the Rapture. On the other hand, it is not marked as a sign of the Rapture so it may happen after the Rapture. The bible is unclear on the time table but the Rapture occurs a short time before the tribulation begins. This could be hours, days, months or potentially years. Given the rapid timetable of those times I expect it would be less than a year and the resulting mayhem that will occur when every Born Again Christian suddenly disappears will be a great opening for the anti-Christ who is described as a powerful world leader. Political power and popularity is most easily gained in time of crises. Note how many politicians have said things like “never waste a crisis” since the recession began.

tomorrow: First Kings 8

Thursday, April 9, 2009

First Kings 2-4

God’s message to me: Learn from your mistakes and don’t repeat them. Don’t pass on your problems to the next generation so that you can live the life of the politically correct.

Promises: God can give you everything you ever imagined and a great deal more. Solomon asked God only for the wisdom to judge Israel with justice. God made him the wisest man who ever lived in history. In all of time before and after Solomon there has never been one who was wiser. He was the richest and most powerful king despite a rule marked by peace. The military he commanded was more than sufficient to overcome any enemy. Solomon asked for wisdom and was granted wisdom, wealth, health, long life, power and strength beyond what any king of that time could have hoped.

Commands: Follow God’s commands and live within his statutes.

Timeless principles: An old dog can learn new tricks. David made a lot of promises and showed a lot of kindnesses he shouldn’t have. He saw and survived the aftermath of those bad decisions and so he reminded Solomon not to repeat the folly and to eliminate the problems he had protected. David’s oaths kept him from dealing with the trouble but his son could do so without breaking any promises.

How can I apply what I’ve learned: Borrowing trouble for the next generation in order to make your own lifetime work the way that makes you comfortable is not a mark of wisdom.

more to learn for in-depth study: Adonijah never seemed to learn from his mistakes. He gained safety from his brother Solomon by showing he would respect him as king. Then he spoke to Bathsheba as if her son had stolen the throne. He also demanded, in marriage, the young woman who had tended David in his last days. Solomon could see trouble coming. The arrogance of his brother in the manner he claimed he had lost the throne and his desire to marry a woman who might help strengthen his claim to the throne because of her previous duties were enough to show he would be a problem. Having already attempted a coup once, Solomon didn’t wait for him to do so again. He ordered Adonijah killed.

Joab and Adonijah each went to the tabernacle and took hold of the alter expecting to be spared from execution. Aside from the fact that this action violated the law in regard to who could go where or touch what in the temple, this is also an early attempt to claim sanctuary. No one ever claimed sanctuary effectively in the tabernacle of meeting or the temple. Each person mentioned, hid there knowing their own guilt and expecting others to spare them for the temples sake. Every one of them was executed before the alter. This isn’t the first case nor will it be the last to be mentioned in the bible.

tomorrow: First Kings 5-7

wow, I caught up, who knew?

First Kings 1

God’s message to me: We must act on God’s will and remember that we are either sheltered by his will or overcome by it. Adonijah was the little brother of Absalom and even had the same mother but didn’t learn anything from his big brothers foolishness. As David was growing to old to be effective Adonijah convinced many in leadership to follow him and invited them to a feast and sacrifice to make him king. He didn’t invite the prophet, the priest or any others who knew that God had planned to place Solomon in power and he sought to reinforce his position so that Solomon couldn’t take the throne after David’s death.

David failed to correct Adonijah. He simply ignored his foolishness until Adonijah was celebrating his being made king.

Promises: God will not be subverted. He intended Solomon to be king and none who attempted to take the throne from him succeeded.

Commands: Do not attempt to undermine God’s will. Adonijah knew full well that God and David intended Solomon to be the next king. Because he knew this he was careful not to include Solomon or any of the people involved in choosing Solomon as the successor to celebrate and make him king. He thought he could get around the issue by reinforcing his position enough to get everyone else behind him before Solomon could be named. Once in power he could easily overcome them all. God ensured that his treachery was found out and undermined before he could get a following and so those who had come to help him become king abandoned him and left him in fear that Solomon would kill him for treason.

Timeless principles: The surest way to get a power-hungry person to go to far is to not stop him when he is starting out. Adonijah and his brother Absalom could have both been dealt with when they first started making trouble and a great deal of pain would have been averted. David failed to discipline his sons and to correct their improper behavior resulting in long term trouble.

How can I apply what I’ve learned: Don’t sit still and quiet when you see trouble coming.

Allow me to demonstrate at the risk of offending some who read this. This country is heading down a road of pain because we have allowed our leaders to get away with to much. As a result of our failure to reign them in when they first started overreaching their authority, we now have a government who believes they have the authority to:

Remove the CEO of a private company from his job.
Appoint their own people to run private companies.
Confiscate the earnings of private individuals without due process or cause.
Tell private citizens what they can buy and how much of it they can buy.
Punish private individuals for being successful.

let’s skip past the political and move on to security.

Threaten God’s chosen people if they defend themselves.
Sanction God’s chosen people for defending themselves.
Force God’s chosen people to bow to those who wish their destruction.
Demand God’s chosen people give up part of the land Promised to them by God to people who want to destroy them.

Do I really need to continue?

Bless Israel, Be blessed. Curse/oppress Israel and face destruction. The bible is extraordinarily clear on this matter. We have given over the running of our nation to a group of people who will use our resources and power to undermine Israel, tear down our Judeao-Christian values, weaken our defenses and empower the enemies of the United States, Israel and God and the only reason they have been able to gain the power to do this is because we didn’t stop them. The constitution doesn’t grant the power they are wielding. The constitution forbids them from having most of these abilities and yet, when they took that power for themselves and admitted, “it’s a violation of the constitution but the government needs to have the power anyway”, no one stopped them. Now we will pay the price.

Don’t believe me? Look at the history, The great depression and WWII came after we backed the idea of Eugenics which declared Jews were subhuman and a drain on society. The recession and problems of the late 1970’s including the Iran Hostage Crises came after the United States demanded that Israel trade land for peace. Clinton tried to make similar demands without the full backing of the legislature and the personal cost could be seen in the constant cloud of legal scandals over his administration. As former president Bush and current President Obama continued to pursue more and more strenuous actions to force land for peace and “2 state solutions” on God’s chosen people we have dipped into one of the worst recessions in decades, had a US Cargo ship captured by pirates and slipped quickly into the anarchy we haven’t seen since 1979.

See a problem? Fight the problem. If you don’t, you can count on the problem to get a lot bigger until your forced to confront it at much greater cost.

tomorrow: First Kings 2-4

Second Samuel 22-24

God’s message to me: One nation, Under God, Indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all. Government is at it’s best when it serves in the fear of the Lord. When we elect leaders who do not feat Him or allow them to be elected because of our apathy over weak leadership from those who oppose unGodly men, we deserve the pain we will suffer as a result.

Promises: I can do all things through Christ who Strengthens me. David knew and proclaimed that the Lord was the source of his strength. God gave him the strength and skill to defeat his enemies and delivered him through supernatural means from those enemies to strong for David to take on himself. It was God’s power that made enemies cower in fear at David’s presence. It was God’s power that overcame rebellion among the Israelites. It was God’s will which led David’s enemies to destruction.

Commands: The last words of David were the orders of God to leaders. Leaders must rule in the fear of God. Leaders must be just. Leaders are an example which shines like morning light and refreshes like fresh grass and the clean air after a rain. Rebellion must be dealt with decisively and with force so that it does not spread, clearing the rebels like removing weeds from the garden.

Timeless principles: When government abuses it’s power all the people suffer. Our own system of holding a census every 10 years is based on the law of Israel that calls for a census every 10 years. When David called for a census when it wasn’t due the result was a plague that wiped out about 2/3 of the fighting men of Israel. We should consider this when members of our government distort the constitutional rule of the census to use polling, ongoing census outside of the 10 year limit, or the requirement of information they are not entitled to being taken with the census. It seems like such a little thing that many would go along with the idea and not argue but, here we can see a biblical example of such abuse and the potential for it to cause harm.

How can I apply what I’ve learned: The stories of the rulers of Israel give us many principles for government. In fact it is easy to see parallels between the lessons of the old testament and the US Constitution. It is important to note that David did not simply take things from the people for public use. We can apply these principle by applying the constitution and forcing our political leaders to obey it. For example: “Amendment 5“ (the last line) “... nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.”

more to learn for in-depth study: Read the Founding documents of the United States of America. You can get a free copy of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States for free from the Heritage Foundation by visiting This isn’t an order and it’s not required to complete your study but, if you want to see how our founders felt about God and His place in government, these documents will help a great deal. You should also read the Federalist Papers and other writing of the founder such as the speeches of our early presidents which can be found online.

tomorrow: First Kings 1

the other resolution

On Monday I weighed in at 235#. I’ve been horrible at looking after my own health lately. My wife and I have both suffered from a short bout of flu like symptoms recently. Partly because we neglect health needs.

I have gotten the exercise more regular at around 4.5 miles a day. The illness has us both hydrating more which is good even if the reason is uncomfortable. Obviously I'm way off schedule for my weight loss goals but, I’m a determined to continue trying just as I continue trying to catch up with this blog which is still way behind and, at this rate, will likely be backlogged until after Easter.

As of today my weight is 231.6

Second Samuel 20-21

God’s message to me: Not every bad situation is a result of God’s wrath. When it is learned that something bad is resulting from such wrath it is our duty to do what God wants to turn that wrath. This nation has faced many disasters of financial, natural and even hostile origin in conjunction with actions taken against God’s people Israel. In each case the problems were resolved and the country found prosperity when our leaders turned their support in favor of Israel. I suspect we will soon find the recession is the least of our worries and it may deepen greatly itself as our leaders demand Israel bow to it’s enemies. i suggest we all keep that in mind next time we enter the election polls.

Promises: God finishes what he starts. The last of the Rephiam Giant’s were among the Philistines. David Slew Goliath and his generals and soldiers killed the other 4 that David had gathered stones for the day he killed Goliath. The descendants of the fallen ones (nephilim) were targeted for destruction by God and He saw to it they were wiped out.

Commands: Do not tolerate those who rebel against God. Not only did Sheba rebel but, David’s newly appointed general failed his duties in his first command by delaying the pursuit of the Rebels. Both men were killed.

Timeless principles: You really can teach an old dog new tricks. When famine came on Israel and David learned that God brought the famine because Saul violated a treaty with the Gibeonites that had been made before God. When the Gibeonites demanded the lives of 7 descendants of Saul he turned over 7 descendants to be killed. He protected the children of Jonathan because of his oath before God to Jonathan but he didn’t carry his protection of Saul’s house to an extreme that would harm Israel.

How can I apply what I’ve learned: People are often easily lead into both good and bad. Sheba managed to get a lot of followers to rebel against David. When one wise women convinced others to execute Sheba it ended the war and the rebellion without having to destroy all the other rebels. Without bad leadership they turned quickly back to God and the king God anointed. Frankly, this is the reason the leaders have a responsibility to eliminate threats. By killing, imprisoning, banishing or otherwise getting rid of the criminals we prevent them from leading others into evil.

tomorrow: Second Samuel 22-24

Second Samuel 17-19

God’s message to me: God’s plan is not always what we want. W must learn to rejoice in His perfect will and recognize the good that has been done rather than complaining of the things we don’t like.

It’s easy to understand the pain David felt when his son was killed. Absalom betrayed his father and turned against God’s plan in creating a coup to replace him as king. He turned the Israelites against God’s will in convincing them to make him king and depose David. His sin wasn’t just a personal act but an act of evil which led most of the country into rebellion against God and the king God anointed over them.

Promises: God does not permit His plan to be undone. God appointed and anointed David to lead Israel. Absalom was of David’s lineage and convinced the people to follow him. God could have permitted him to continue on the throne and the promise would not be broken. God did not plan for Absalom to rule, He did not plan for David to be deposed, He did not plan for Israel to become a nation which simply went from one ruler to the next based on who was popular, stronger, or most convincing. Absalom and his followers were killed because they went against God. The key members were hung(Absalom and Ahithophel) which God had said marked them as cursed. Absalom was hung in a manner which could only be seen as an act of God.

Commands: We do not live alone. When we react to the ups and downs of life we must remember the example we set for others and we must also be accountable to those whom God has put under our leadership.

God made David king and the people were rightly proud of defeating Absalom’s coup attempt. David became so overwhelmed with self pity over the death of his son that his grief caused the people to act as though they had done wrong. Joab was acting in the best interests of his country when he chastised the king for so vocally and publicly bemoaning the loss of his traitorous son when the people should have been celebrating the return of the king God appointed for them.

Timeless principles: There is a way that seems good to a man but it’s end is death. I can’t repeat this enough. Showing love to his enemies seemed good to David. it was politically correct and made a great show of following God’s command. It was also quite a quick path to destruction. These people were correctly marked as enemies. They should have been dealt with as enemies. David was quick to promise good to those who would not return the favor.

Ronald Reagan often referenced a book whose title described the problem with David’s habits. The title was “the Treaty Trap”. The United States and Israel are often caught up in the same mistake David made. In an effort to gain peace we establish treaties of friendship with those who desire our harm and never live up to their end of the treaty. We also proceed to continue living up to these treaties long after they have been broken by the other side and, in some cases, even after the state we made the treaty with ceases to exist. (look at all the treaties we still live up to despite the disappearance of the Soviet Union which never lived up to any of them anyway)

God gave us a mind and a heart and ordered us to use both. We love our enemies but we should never let that disable us. Reagan was happy to provide humanitarian aid and food to the Soviets but walked away from the negotiation table any time they tried to get the US to sacrifice sovereignty or defensive capability in exchange for peace. Compare this to David who would have appointed Gorbachev to the Joint Chiefs and placed Qaddafi in the seat of honor at his dinner table each evening.

How can I apply what I’ve learned: I have been considering this heavily in the past hour or so as I took my daily walk. David was a man after God’s own heart and he displayed that in the love he showed to people who were clearly his enemies. God has told us to love our enemies. Hate the sin and love the sinner. David clearly showed love to his son and to Jonathon’s son and to Saul’s family and so many others who would turn against him.

Joab privately corrected the king for his public actions which undermined the nation. David repaid his good action by replacing him as commanding general with a man from among the rebels. From a diplomatic standpoint it may have seemed good but personally it was wrong.

When we take actions we must consider all the ramifications. We must live within God’s law and love those who may hate us. We must also consider the life of others. David’s public grief over the death of an enemy of the state did much more harm to the Israelites than good. Loving the enemy and mourning the death of a criminal are different things. We have people who believe it’s a contradiction to fight abortion and stand up for capital punishment. The bible is clear that abortion is murder and capital punishment is the duty of state. There is no contradiction in saying “turn the other cheek” and “execute the criminal”. The personal duty is to turn the other cheek. The individual often flees from oppression in the bible. The leaders do not have this option. The first duty of leadership is common defense which is why judges, prophets, kings, generals and others in the bible hunt down killers, go to war and execute prisoners. The duty of the individual is separate from the duty of state. Without the leaders acting to enforce justice civilization ends.

more to learn for in-depth study: This story will go on for many years of Israel's history and many of the enemies David protected will be executed under the rule of Solomon. The history of Israel is long and complicated but much more important than any other history we can learn as Christians. If you have trouble understanding don’t be afraid to reread portions and to make notes of your questions. The details of their story spread across first and second Samuel, first and second Kings, first and second Chronicles, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, the song of Solomon, and parts of the books of the various prophets. You will likely find yourself learning something new each time you read through these books.

tomorrow: Second Samuel 20-21